Thursday, November 13, 2014

Why We Run

     I have a love-hate relationship with running.  From the pain of training, the anticipation of the starting line, the struggles in between and the elation of the finish line.  After all, doesn't running echo all these moments in Life?
     So why do we run?  I believe we run because we are competitors.  We run because we are survivors.  We run to the ones we love.  We run from our fears.  Sometimes we run from ourselves.  From the beginning of time, running has been a God given protection from the terrors that loom behind us.
     But in Life, like running, despite all the pain and struggles there is always a light at the end of the tunnel and the finish line ahead.  The philosopher in me also contemplates that we might run to Know God.  We run to be in His Shoes.  We run to understand the struggles and suffering of His Human Being.  This is the self-induced Cross we choose to carry.  But in the end, even in our moments of weakness, He always carries us to that finish line...So I will pick up my cross and run to Him over and over again through all the Paths of Life

M.McMahon MD

Sunday, November 9, 2014


May the changing Tides bring you cleansing
May you be carried over that Mountain that seemed too steep to climb
May the children Hunger no more...may their bellies be full and may they be filled with smiles and Laughter and Love
May the Lost and Brokenhearted find His Eternal Love and Peace
May the women no longer hide behind Darkness...may they show their Beauty and Light
May the men retreat in Peace and return to their families
May His Light Shine Forever on this Earth
May He Restore us to that place of no want
#theLordismyShepherd  #Isaiah61 #Oaksofrighteousness

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


     We live in a world of social media surrounded by what I call "ghost friends".  Perhaps they are better known as "cyber friends".  These are the friends that are there in the shadow of wedding anniversaries, showers, baptisms, graduations etc.  In all the happy times,  they are there to cheer us on, and send their approval ie. "like"... everytime anything positive happens in our lives. Yet, when those darker times come over us, the social media world becomes silent.  After all, who wants to hear about a divorce, a miscarriage, the loss of a job, financial difficulties, an illness, a death? These are the things that we must deal with in the quiet of our own hearts. 
     I am not making a judgement here because I know I have also been a "ghost friend" to some.  In the bustle of life it becomes very easy to lose track of other loved ones lives and troubles.   It is hard enough to make sense of our own lives sometimes.
     A few years ago a dear friend of mine that I had known for twenty years committed suicide.  I had seen or talked to her on multiple, brief occasions before her death, and I never realized how much torment she was going through. I am haunted by this now because I realize that I was, at that time, a  "ghost friend" to her.  I was there to cheer her on for her new job endeavors, her childrens' academic and sport successes, yet I never once realized the dark place that she was in.  This saddens me because despite the access that we have to social media and telecommunications, we live in a very disconnected world.
     I don't pretend to have all the answers.  I can only follow my heart and hope to hear the voice of God.  Because I know that if I do, I just might be there for someone who just needed a real life friend to hold their hand and listen.... <3 BFF

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Field of Dreams

     Perhaps one of the most difficult cases of my medical career that I have ever encountered was that of a late teenage boy who I will call Jacob.  He presented to me one night when I was on call in the emergency room.  Jacob had been born with severe mental retardation and craniofacial deformities, and he never physically and or mentally progressed beyond the stage of toddlerhood.  The first time I stepped into the room to examine him, I had to hold back my tears.  What I saw in front of me was not a boy.  He looked almost alien to me.  His head was severely enlarged and deformed, and he probably weighed no more than fifty pounds.  He had undergone craniofacial surgeries as an infant.  I was shocked to find that he had no feeding tube.  His parents had fed him all these years.  Despite his appearance, his parents informed me that he had never really had a major hospitalization since his earlier years as an infant.
     This time, however, Jacob was critically ill.  He had presented with high fevers and respiratory distress, and he had pneumonia with septic shock.  All of his vital signs and laboratory data told me that he had little chances of survival.  His parents made the decision that they would not place him on a ventilator with a breathing tube, however they wanted other measures such as fluids and antibiotics administered to try to save his life.
     Initially I really struggled with his parents' decision.  What I saw in front of me was a dying boy who appeared to be suffering in a tiny body that seemed to be more of a prison.  I wondered what his parents' intentions were.  Could they not see what I saw?  What type of life were they trying to preserve?
     I took care of Jacob for several days in the hospital and really came to know his parents well.  They were incredible individuals.  I learned that Jacob had been adopted from birth.  His parents had also adopted several other children with various physical and mental problems throughout the years.  They had a strong Christian faith, and their mission in life had been to serve abandoned and orphaned children with various medical problems.  As my own daughter is also adopted, I felt an instant bond to this particular couple.  However, what astounded me is that these children that they adopted were not what I considered normal.  My daughter had a healthy and normal childhood development.  The children that this couple cared for all had major medical issues.  Many of them had already passed away during their early toddler years.
     I saw on a daily basis the deep love and bond that this couple had for Jacob.  I am quite sure that it is this bond of love that sustained this fragile boy for all these years.  There are no studies that I know that can prove this fact, but for Jacob to have had such a severe presentation and still be living was, in fact, a miracle.  Day after day I was astounded that despite his severe pneumonia, shock and kidney failure, he continued to breathe on his own and his little fragile heart continued to beat.
     I realized that his parents were struggling to let him go.  One of his parents was by his side day and night.  I believe that Jacob continued to hear them and feel their presence, and that is why he was still here on this earth.  Jacob did not want to leave his parents.
     This case continued to haunt me.  I questioned whether I had made the right decision.  Should I have encouraged them to give more aggressive care from the beginning?  They had made it clear that they did not want him on a ventilator or with intensive care measures, but his parents were not ready to accept pure comfort care.  I believe that they were still looking for a miracle.
     One night I began to pray about this case.  As I prayed, a vision came over me.  I saw a boy in a field of gold, and he was kicking a red soccer ball.  As he turned around I saw his face.  It was Jacob, however, his face had been transformed.  It was the face of a perfect angelic little boy.  He smiled at me, and then ran through the field of gold and disappeared.
     After I had this vision, I struggled whether I should tell Jacob's parents of it.  Deep inside I knew that I needed to inform them.  When I walked into the room that day, his parents and grandparents were by his side.  They had been praying over him.  They were still struggling with letting him go.  I told them of the vision, and that I felt it was time to let Jacob go.  His mother burst into tears but she knew at that instant that this was the sign that she was praying for.  His family said their goodbyes to Jacob.  Jacob was enrolled on hospice, and shortly after he passed away.
     I still think of Jacob.  When I see him now, I do not see him as that alien of a being.  I see a perfect little boy running with a red soccer ball through a field of gold.  I realize now that this is the way that his parents always saw him.  Their unconditional love never visualized a boy with deformities or disabilities.  They saw their son.

May he rest in Peace in his Field of Dreams

M. McMahon MD