Thursday, August 20, 2015

Life Perspectives from a 40 Something year old

Be true to who you are and the person God made you to be.  Love yourself fully despite the imperfections that you see in the mirror.  Those imperfections don't define you...they define humanity

Let go of the toxins in your life.
Anything that rules over you and is detrimental to your peace and health does not belong with you.
Don't chase someone else's dream.  You can chase butterflies and dreams in your own backyard.
Be a real friend.  Sometimes that means tough Love...saying things openly and honestly but always with a loving and unselfish Heart.
Learn from your children and your mothers and fathers.  Enjoy the simple things in life.  As my mom has always said "play in the sunlight and dance in the moonlight."
Be in the moment...and sometimes that means not capturing a Kodak moment.
Always give it your best shot.  You might not succeed in the way that you thought you would, but trials make you stronger and give you a fresh perspective on life.

Don't look down on others.  Look up to the downtrodden.  They need your hope and your inner light...and they just might teach you something that brings you back to Life.

Give with a Loving Faithful Heart even when you think that you have nothing left to give.  Its in these moments that you give all of yourself that you receive the greatest Peace of mind.

Prioritize your life.  Put God and your family first always.

Remember that life does not always present itself in neatly wrapped packages...Embrace the Journey, for it is in these unraveling moments  that you will learn to live outside the box.

Don't take yourself too seriously.  Laugh at yourself.  Live life. Love fully.  Amore